Looking for Christian Bible Games

Holy Bible(Photo from Steve Snodgrass)

Christian Bible games are the perfect companion to every gathering with your church mates. This kind of games is an excellent way to share knowledge about the Bible. This particularly way would be a hit among children who are learning about the Bible, as this method presents Christian values and the Bible in a fun way.

It is not only children who will benefit from this experience, as teenagers and adults are likely to pick up lessons more easily as it is presented in an entertaining, but still informative way.

All Parts of the Same Body

One of the Christian Bible games is "All Parts of the Same Body." The game is based on the verse in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 that teaches every single people are all components of the same body. It even implies how unusual to have a body that only has a single part and that each and every part is helpful for it to be able to function properly. The children will learn to relate to one another. This game is played by:

Video Explaining 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
  • Distributing cards among members of the group, which is printed with different names of the various parts of the body.
  • For groups of seven and below, use the fundamental parts that comprise the foot, leg, torso, hand, arm, neck and head.
  • For those that are up to 15 members, include the toes, knees, elbows, fingers, mouth, nose, and ears.
  • The players go near to each other and look if they are related.
  • Go on and share the word of God and learn that we all depend on each other for survival.
  • This game teaches the players that a group is much stronger than an individual when fighting a battle.

What's My Line

"What's My Line?" is another challenging game that centers on lessons from the Bible. The game employs simple mechanics and is played by:

  • To start the game, a person will say an introductory word in a Bible verse.
  • The following player that is not familiar with the verse will attempt to use the word that goes next to it to the verse that he or she is familiar with.
  • There will be no idea to what verse it will lead up to, or if ever this will be the real verse at all, when the final person does his turn.
  • You can make use of the verses that you have memorized all throughout the game.

Bible Vocab

A vocabulary game that is called Bible Vocab is played similar to the game Concentration. This game gives deeper definition to words used all through the Bible.

The Vocabulary Guide to Biblical Hebrew
  • Take down 24 words on a 3" by 5" cards and put them on the ground.
  • On the other 24 cards that are 5" by 8", write down the meanings of the words you written.
  • Analyze the meanings, then combine up every group and set them facing down.
  • Each of the team passes out a card from every group.
  • A card is eliminated if they correspond. If the group does not match, it will be the turn of the next team.
  • The group that has more matches in the end succeeds and wins the game.

Now you know that there are quite many amusing and inspiring Christian Bible games that both the young and old can enjoy with.

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