To spend 7 minutes in heaven (sometimes played as a standalone kissing game) is viewed by some players as the "ultimate dare".
It consists of going away from the group with another player and retreating into a private, closed and often darkened place. A closet, a guest room or even some basement room or the garage work out fine.
There, both players (often or almost always a girl and a boy) will be left alone for seven minutes. They can basically do anything they want there. Since very often they will use this opportunity to make out, this time really must feel like seven minutes in heaven!
You already understand the rules?
Continue here to read tons of prewritten dares to play right away!
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You should discuss beforehand what this dare means to everyone. If you don't, you will loose valuable time "in heaven"... Two factors are crucial for this dare:
To read all the secrets "behind the scenes" about what sort of kisses are best and which timing you should choose...
What was your most thrilling experience with this dare?
Ever found out what happened "in heaven"? You can write here about your own discoveries of what is most secret in Truth or Dare.
Here is the place to share your scoop!
Click below to read the stories from other visitors to this page...
Awkward Moments During Seven Minutes in Heaven
(Photo from Fidenaut ) When I was a sophomore in high school my parents finally let me go to a party. I was so excited, but when everyone announced …
Kissing Stories
(Photo from mahalie ) I was very young the first time I played "Seven minutes in heaven"; in fact, I was 15 years old. (a "very" mature 15 year old, …
Kissing Stories When Playing Seven Minutes in Heaven
(Photo from icanteachyouhowtodoit ) It was 1998, and I was 13. I had a big crush on Mike. He was 14 at the time. We lived in Los Angeles, California. …
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