My husband's wrestling dare

by Christy
(New Orleans, LA)

Hi my name is Christy...I just found this forum, and thought it would be a good place to post a recent experience I had as a result of a dare made to me by my husband...he told me that if things didn't work out the way I was planning, he wanted me to make this story public as part of the dare, so, here it is...

My husband Brad and I are both in our mid-20's, and are both in fairly good shape from working out, jogging, etc. We also enjoy wrestling each other, mostly just for exercise and fun. Recently, he and I were hosting a party for ourselves and two other couples, and Brad started talking about the wrestling "matches" he and I had. He said they were fun for both of us, but that he could easily beat me if we wrestled with the intention of trying to win. That made me pretty mad, and I told him so. I told him I thought I could beat him just as easily. So, he dared me to wrestle him in front of the two other couples, and that the loser would have to strip, him in front of me and the other girls, me in front of him and the other guys. He also said that if the win was by submission, the loser would also have to kiss the feet and the ass of the winner. Since I am pretty competitive, and usually did fairly well in our weekly matches, I accepted his dare.

So we set up our wrestling mat in the living room for our match, and then went to our "dressing rooms" to change into our wrestling attire. I wore a bra and panties, while he had on nothing but a pair of briefs. Once the match started, we each tried to take each other down, and, since like many women, the strongest part of my body is my legs, I tried several times to lock him into a leg hold, but he kept managing to avoid me. Meanwhile, he tried to use his upper body strength and weight advantage against me, but I was able to stay out of his efforts as well. Brad has more patience than I do though, and soon I became frustrated at not being able to take him down. So I took a chance. I tried rushing him to give myself some momentum, thinking I could knock him off balance, get him down, and lock a leg hold on him. It turned out to be a big mistake, because he caught me as I came in, using my momentum against me, by lifting his knee and slamming it into my midsection. I fell to the floor hard stomach first, and before I could regain my feet, he was on me. He straddled me from behind, using his weight to hold me down, then twisted my head, neck, and shoulders into a painful submission hold. Brad asked me if I had had enough, but because I still thought I could escape, at first I said no. I struggled and fought, trying to break out of the hold, but I couldn't get free. The other guys were yelling for Brad to keep the pressure going. The idea of having to admit defeat was humiliating, and even though my girlfriends were yelling encouragement to me, the pain was too much, so when he asked me a second time if I had had enough, I had no other choice but to submit. He released me from the hold, and while he and the other guys cheered in victory, my girlfriends tried to console me while I tried my best to fight back my tears.

Brad then told me to get down on the floor and kiss his feet, then he pulled his underpants down while I kissed his ass. Then, he had the other girls leave the room, while I stripped off my bra and panties in front of him and the other guys. It was the most humiliating experience of my life.

Comments from the Webmaster

Hey Christy, way to complete a dare by submitting this captivating dare story! Although I feel your pain, it's awesome how you describe your story - feels almost like an action movie.

Did you ever beat your man before, or was it a lost cause before you even started? Did nobody want to trick?

I am by far no expert, but when I think of wrestling, some dirty tricks come to mind. I could have imagined you giving one of the ladies a "women-telepathy-eye-message" to make her trip him, or tickle him or something like that.

Was the battle too dangerous for any one to jump in between you?

Anyway, please don't be too embarrassed. The guys had some fun, that does not mean that you cannot have some payback time! The next time he loses a dare, get really creative with your revenge dares!

Please let me know when you need more tips to get him back in the comments, I'm sure there are some fun things to do for him that might be a little more embarrassing than just stripping.

*evil grin*

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Jan 16, 2012
by: Anonymous

This has to be one of the most epic dares I have ever read. :D
When I am married, I hope to have someone who will be as crazy as that!!

Apr 08, 2012
My wife wrestle me
by: Anonymous

Let me share my story. I'm married for 15 years with two kids. My wife is a very nice and gentle person. In the beginning of our marriage I started to bring up the wrestling between us and we have wrestled sometimes.

She has real strength, she can push my arms up behind my head holding my wrists and I am not able to change it or free myself. Both of us realized soon, that she is much stronger then me. She was doing kayak for several years.

I win the armwrestling but that's it. If we wrestle, she always wins.
If we start from kneeling, she grabs my wrists and bends my arms behind me or grabs my neck with one arm and pulls my arm and twists me to the mat. Than she sits on me and from then I can't push her off.

Then she pushes my arms up and simply turns me on the side and turns her body over me. I can't do much aginst it because she has a tremendous strength.

Now she is faster, experienced and can do anything with me what she wants. If she wants to sit on my chest or on my face she can do it. I work hard to resist, but she just smiles down at me and tells me, that it is futile.

We can be in any position, she can move my arms wherever she wants.
She and I just writhe bcan tickle me etween her hands. I think she enjoys it too because if we are together, she always starts to dominate me.

Now She knows her own power over me so if we start to play with each other, I see on her face and eyes that she is the dominant person in our play. She has a very nice personality, but she says, that: "You wanted this to happen to you, now you're getting it. You taught me how to wrestle". She stays in the dominant position all the time.

Apr 08, 2012
Thanks for your hot story :D
by: Francis

Dear anonymous visitor, thanks for leaving your story here. It sounds really hot, and you are one happy husband to have found such a nice and stimulating wife :D

I'll be sure to highlight this post again so that your comment will be seen!

Apr 09, 2012
Way to go
by: Ben the daredevil

Nice job, and at least you tried. And I'm glad to hear you lived up to your promise and didn't chicken out. Dare contests are my kinda thing. Truth or dare is ok, but I don't like to give anyone the option ;)

Anyway, nice story. I might have to try that out with my girlfriend. That'll get things hot! -.-'

Thanks for sharing. Even telling the story takes guts. I'm proud. And that takes alot. Ask Francis. ;)

Ben, the daredevil

Nov 27, 2012
by: Anonymous

You gave it your best, next time you will win. My situation has been a bit different than yours. I am 5'4 128lbs 43 years old now, my soon to be ex husband is 5'6 165lbs and 46 years old. Over the years we have wrestled each other, it is fun, great exercise and great foreplay.

The very first time we wrestled was about 14 years ago and it was fairly lopsided in my favor from start to finish. Hubby was shocked and surprised, but i was not. I am very competitive, a tomboy growing up with a gymnastics and swimming back ground. We wrestled a couple of times after that, though not as lopsided as the first, i won them. Then life got busy and we just didn't wrestle and it was 10 years later that he brought it up. Apparently it left a huge mark on his ego that I defeated him years earlier.

So, as a couple trying to "work on our relationship" a few years ago, i put something sexy on and we wrestled again. At this time I was 39 and on a pretty consistent and good workout program. He was 42 and not working out. I dominated him throughout the match. Over the next few months we wrestled more, though they got more competitive i won them all (except 1 draw due to an interruption). His male ego finally accepted and he has accepted his losses with a good attitude but his competitive nature and wanting to get that 1st win, he still wanted to wrestle.

As we discussed our matches it became clear to us that there were several things that made a difference in our matches. 1 my flexibility and his lack of. he would think he had me and i would bend and twist and move my body and trap him in my legs. legs- are very strong and i would burn little energy trapping him in them reducing his airflow and him spending alot of energy trying to get free. 3.endurance/stamina- i would simply outlast him here and wear him down, especially in our older years. These advantages definately more than offset his 2 inches in height he has on me and the 30-40lbs.I have a 11-0-1 record against him. Our last match was a year ago Oct, i had not been working out as hard as i was previously and he had started working out. He thought he could finally score a win and at one point in the match I thought he would. I was in a bad position but again managed to get my legs up around his head and had a good grip on one arm, just like that the match changed and we both knew it. We had been going at it for 25 minutes and he was beyond exhausted. i heard a moan of frustration from him when i trapped his head. I managed to turn that into me sitting on his chest, arms pinned under my knees for my 11th win and a continued undefeated record against him.

And if your wondering, this had nothing to do with why we are not together right now, i never lost respect for him and i do miss certain aspects to our marriage, and i do miss the wrestling :).

Dec 08, 2012
To the now single lady who won against her ex
by: Anonymous

I would love to wrestle with you...if you are anywhere near Ohio I hope you read this and reach out. To Christy...good job for your dare and following through. Keep at it and you will take him. I love to wrestle with females (and can't wait for my current very strong girlfriend to loosen up and tangle with me)

Nov 06, 2013

by: Only judo black belt win

I like a wrestling match with a w.p.c policewoman 3matchs never beaten by a lady i am 42 years old 5feet 8 tall 11 stone or any lady

May 30, 2014
I destroyed my ex-BF's sexist ego when we wrestled
by: Anonymous


I just wanted to say how excited I was to see so many women talk about beating their husbands or exes at wrestling. For a while I thought I was the only one!

I had taken a couple of semesters of Judo in college (about 2 years ago), and was telling my (now ex) BF about it one day, thinking he would be impressed. Instead he laughed in my face and said he couldn't imagine me possibly doing Judo (I look very "girly", I guess...I have long hair, I'm tall, about 5'9", but only weigh about 135 lbs., yet I've always kept in shape and am wiry-strong, even if I don't have obvious muscles or anything.) So he was saying all this totally sexist crap and I start getting really mad but waited til he was done and then I calmly challenged him to a wrestling match. Of course he protested at first and said he didn't want to hurt me yada yada but then when I said "are you afraid of losing to a girl?" he got mad and said he would teach me a lesson & we cleared the room of furniture and after I tied my hair back in a pony tail we got to it.

Much like another woman on this thread talked about I won by wearing him down. He was 5'10" and probably about 170 lbs. but I kept away from him most of the match and used some well-time leg sweeps to take him down, but I didn't engage him on the floor until i saw his breath getting labored and when he was slow to get up after a few more throws (I sent him once flying over my hip and that really took the wind out of him.) When I saw he was totally winded I got down and got my legs around his torso and straightened them out until he looked like he was going to pass out...then I rolled on top and pinned his wrists behind his head and got my legs on his biceps and he was finished. I made him admit he lost to a girl before letting him up and I think he almost started crying before saying it!

He got really pissy for weeks after and kept challenging me to a rematch and I refused until finally I got sick of his whining and I beat him again. It wasn't long after that that we broke up b/c he just couldn't deal with knowing his GF was able to take him in a fair fight. But I got in one more lick when I bumped into him at a party months later and he was drunk and called me a 'bitch' and I said in front of everyone "you're just saying that b/c I beat you in a wrestling match--twice", and everyone had a great laugh as I told them the story!

Jun 01, 2014
That sounds intense
by: Francis

Interesting story, seems like your ex really needed that lesson for his a-bit-to-big ego.

Sad that it led to a breakup though. If you tell this story to your friends, look out that they don't dare you to show of your skills in wrestling again.

Although I think you will do well (and have fun) if that happens!

Jun 05, 2014
Dare out of hand
by: Daenerys

I think the wrestling part is okay as it is just a 'healthy competition'. But allowing your husband stripping you off in front of his friends and considering they're your friends, too--is way too far to be calling it a dare. That's not just cool!

Sep 03, 2014
My wife couldn't beat me, but her friend could
by: Anonymous

Years ago I got into a friendly tussle over the TV remote with BJ, a lady who had been my wife's roommate. I grabbed it and tried to hold it out of her reach, but BJ jumped on me and got me in a headlock and dragged me off the couch onto the floor. I tried to push her off me, but in a couple of minutes was flat on my back with her pinning my arms with her knees. I wanted a rematch so I could even the score, but what I got was some bruises and a sprained shoulder. I did my best, but BJ was on top from the start and got me in a full nelson. I was facedown on the carpet with her on top, and when I wouldn't give up she tightened the nelson until I was afraid she was going to dislocate my shoulder, which made me submit. I had to admit she was a really strong lady, and she proved it again on several occasions.

Sep 03, 2014
Get yourself buff
by: Neo

Do you think she’s really a woman? Or maybe she was a “HE” in the past :D

My advice, you probably need to hit the gym right away and get started for a payback because as to what you’ve described, she’s a pretty tough lady.

Sep 04, 2014
HaHa, not a "He", definitely female and strong
by: Anonymous

I was too small for football or basketball, played tennis and was always kind of skinny. BJ was a tomboy as a girl, worked out a lot, and did 100 mile bike rides, so she had some muscles. My wife liked to tease me about it and got BJ to show her some holds, but my wife wasn't very strong and I had no trouble beating her. I wrestled BJ quite a few times, but usually with only my wife watching and acting as referee. A couple of times there were other women present, but they were friends and I only had to endure some good natured teasing. The only time I was really embarrassed was during a party at our house, after a few tequila shots. BJ had told some of the women about beating me at wrestling, and one of them said she'd like to see that. I tried to laugh it off, but BJ and a couple of the women cleared some space in the den and goaded me into a match. By the time word got around the house and everyone came to the den, BJ was on top and I was trying to fight her off. I could hear the guys yelling encouragement and urging me to do something while the women cheered BJ on. I managed to get her in a headlock and hung on to keep her from wrestling me onto my back, but BJ got an arm under me and suddenly lifted and rolled onto her back, putting me in a cradle. I kept struggling, but she scissored my other leg and there was nothing I could do but give up. I'm glad this was before everyone had a smartphone with a camera or I'd still be finding pics and videos of it on the internet. As it was, I was embarrassed that a few of my guy friends had watched me get beat, but only had to take a little good natured kidding from them. I got more grief from the women and a couple of them wanted to take me on, but I avoided that by saying I was too tired.

Sep 04, 2014
Be optimist :D
by: Neo

Whoa.. That sounds pretty intense and a terrifying lady. She’s more like an adrenaline junkie. But, you know it’s never too late to get that core get buff and strong.

Good thing to know that she’s a “SHE” after all :D

Sep 05, 2014
Strip Wresting Dare
by: Francis

You had *more* women asking to wrestle with you? They can't all be that super strong, right?

You could have turned it up a notch, and asked for a "prize" to wrestle with you.

Or dare them to strip down if they lose...

Be brave, it's not the stronger who wins, but the person with the most fun ideas and humor!

Dec 06, 2014
Old girlfriend beat me in front of my wife
by: Anonymous

I came home one evening to find my wife, BJ and another woman drinking margaritas and talking. I recognized the other woman as Sharon, a woman I'd dated a few years before, but hadn't seen since I dumped her to pursue her older sister. BJ told me Sharon had moved into her apartment complex and they found they had some friends in common. After a while Sharon said she hadn't known I liked to wrestle women, then grinned at BJ and said "I mean lose to women." After they had a good laugh, BJ said that since I couldn't beat her, I should wrestle Sharon since she was about my size. I was 5'10" 140lbs at the time and Sharon was also 5'10 but 120lbs and not muscular like BJ, so I had no doubts that I would beat her easily. We started on out knees and I quickly wrestled her down to the carpet, but as I worked her onto her back, Sharon got her long legs around me and secured a body scissors. As I struggled to free myself from her scissors, we rolled around and Sharon managed to get on top, straddling my hips. As I struggled to push her off and get free, Sharon kept tying me up with her arms and legs, riding me around the carpet as BJ cheered her on. Sharon wasn't strong like BJ, but she was relentless and totally dominated me for several minutes. Sharon finally got get me in a body scissors and headlock and just kept squeezing until I finally had to tapout. Sharon laughed and did a little victory dance, BJ and my wife celebrated with her and I was embarrassed she'd done it so quickly. I may have gotten drunk or something else happened that evening, but we didn't wrestle again, so Sharon won 1-0. It wasn't like I was depressed about it, more like when your heavily favored team loses to the team who hasn't won a game all season, so she agreed to a rematch the next weekend. I was eager to beat Sharon, but not as confident as she was, it seemed. The rematch was more embarrassing for me than the first match and I was glad only my wife saw it because Sharon made me tapout twice and then submitted me to make it 4-0. Wrestling with BJ and most other women was just for fun and losing was no big deal, but the losses to Sharon were humiliating and I didn't ask for another rematch. I assumed Sharon had her revenge because she teased me a couple of times about it later, but didn't push it and neither did I.

Jan 27, 2015
women power
by: kumar

I asked my wife after marriage if she would mind indulging in wrestling to which she readily agreed.In the first few months it always used to be equal with both fighting hard and each one winning at times.
Slowly i realised with the passage of time she had picked up the moves and had a greater speed and top of all things she hated to loose and if i ever won i knew what i was in for the next time we wrestled.
Slowly it became a one sided affair with me winning a few rounds but she the ultimate match.We would fight a fifteen round match and she would win it by a score of 10-5 on an average and my worst loss to her was 13-2 i still remember.
one day we decided to fight a 25 round match and i lost 22-3 the worst loss i suffered.
She challenged me to a non stop match one night till one submits and i resisted and fought well for nearly an hour but after that it was like a cat mouse game and she trapped me in her thighs and rolled me all over at her will but still i hung on and that brought more pressure on me .i was just struggling to stay in the match.She then broke a momentary hold i had gained and trapped my head in her thighs and started applying pressure in a scissor fold and slowly i was struggling for breath and then i gave up but she did not release me for the whole night that day and i had no option but to lay down trapped.The main reason i realised for her wins was her speed and her tremendous control and power in her thighs.i had a chance till i was not trapped but once trapped it was all over.I Never felt bad loosing to her and we always treated it like a sport and while fighting always fought like opponents.

Jan 27, 2015
Thanks for your great stories!
by: Francis

Kumar, and also all other visitors that have shared great stories of wrestling with your partners:

I just wanted to say "Thank you!" for taking the time to share your stories!

I think we are on our way of creating a huge collection of wrestling stories (with your husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend) that obviously many other visitors are enjoying reading!

Jan 28, 2015
My husband set me up
by: Kelly

Hi, I'm Kelly, my husband's name is Jason. After reading the story and comments, I thought I would share my own husband/wife wrestling experience. Jason and I wrestle each other fairly regularly for fun and to get some exercise, and more often than not, I usually win. Recently, though, Jason dared me to wrestle a competitive match for a wager. The match could be won by either pinfall or submission. The loser would become the winner's slave, and be forced to do anything the winner said. I said it sounded interesting and fun, so I agreed. I already knew I could win, since I did most of the time anyway, so I started putting together a list of things for Jason to do after the match. As for what he had in mind for me, I was fairly certain it involved me having to "service" him sexually.

We checked our schedules to make sure we would have an entire weekend with free schedules, and decided to have the match on a Friday evening two weeks later since we each had free schedules that weekend, and therefore that would give us the whole weekend to either collect on, or pay off, the bet. A few days before Friday, Jason started telling me that he had a "surprise" for me. I laughed it off, since I figured his so-called "surprise" involved his plans for me should he win, and I already had a good idea what he had in mind. So, when we got home from work Friday evening, we changed into our workout clothes, and prepared for our match. After we each reminded the other of the terms of the bet, we started the match.

For the first few minutes, the match was fairly routine. We exchanged holds we had each used a number of times before. We each attempted pinfalls on the other, but we each got out of them. But then, Jason managed to trip me by sweeping my legs, causing me to fall pretty hard. He hovered over me, and assuming he was going for another pinfall attempt, I readied myself to kick out. But, instead of trying to pin me, he grabbed my right leg and grapevined it. Then, he grabbed my other leg, and bent it, putting his own leg over it. It was then that I realized what he was doing, but by then, it was too late. He locked me in the figure four leglock, a hold he had never before used in any of our matches. As he finished cinching the hold on, he grinned and said, "surprise, sweetie!" I was trapped, and I fought as hard I could, but after a couple minutes of not being able to escape, I couldn't withstand the hold any more, so I had no choice but to submit. Jason told me after the match that he and a work buddy had been sparring during their lunch break, and after telling his buddy his idea of betting on a match with me, his buddy had showed him how to apply an effective figure four. After he had perfected the hold, then he brought up the idea to me. Jason had set me up perfectly, and I spent the next 48 hours as his sex slave.

Apr 22, 2015
by: kUMAR

what i realized within a short period of starting to wrestle my wife was that one should not underestimate the power of a woman. She wrestles more ferociously as if to prove a point.

while i never felt bad loosing to her she would fight with double ferocity the next time if she ever lost to me and develop some new and surprising moves. The biggest strength i released was her thigh lock and once applied i had no option but to surrender.

After a year i could never win any match against her because i had no answer to her swiftness and the scissor thigh lock. At times i felt i was like a mouse trying to wriggle out of a cats hold.

once we were fighting a submission match and despite competing for two hours she applied the scissor hold and squeezed me into submission. Had i not submitted she would have made me unconscious.

Apr 30, 2015
women power
by: Anonymous

A Close friend informed me after marriage that my one should be careful of getting trapped in a ladies thigh lock and if my wife trapped me I would not be able to free myself. I treated it like a joke till I realised what he meant when we started wrestling. I was always surprised by the speed at which my wife moved and always managed to free myself from my hold and reverse trap me and choke me into submission.

With passing time I realised she was growing stronger and I was hoping against hope that I will win. If I ever did win I had to pay a heavy price in the next match where I would struggle to even fight.

For her loosing ever was something she could not digest till she did not beat me in the next match. She even maintained a record of our matches and I was surprised when she showed me in the first year I had won 40 percent of the matches, 30 in the next year and from the 3rd year my victory was reduced to 2 matches out of 100.

I could never win against her in a continuous submission match for she always managed to squeeze me into submission by applying the scissor hold. It was me who encouraged her to wrestle after marriage and never imagined it will become a one sided affair in such a short time.

Still I never felt bad loosing to her for she turned out to be a better fighter in the long run and deserved to win. She has at times crushed and squeezed me to a point that if I had nit surrendered I would have lost consciousness.

Real thigh power .

May 01, 2015
A mix of danger and hotness
by: Francis

The more I read (and enjoy reading!) these wrestling stories, the more hot I find the idea of wrestling with your significant other.

If that is not on the table, how do you go around convincing your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife to suddenly take up wrestling?

In a playful way, and then it gets serious, as a competition with "prizes" or something like that?

Keep 'em coming! :)

Sep 08, 2015
Accept the reality
by: Kumar

Some males find it difficult to accept that they can loose to a girl but I have never found this to be unnatural as my wife has won more than 90 percent of the time for years we wrestled after marriage.

Initially we were fighting at par but with time I realized she hated to loose, had developed better speed and techniques and at times could beat me at will. The main weapon I could never overcome was her powerful thighs and once trapped the only way to get free was to surrender and accept defeat. One day she challenged me to a fight to the finish i.e non stop till one surrendered. We fought for nearly two hours but suddenly I realized I was beginning to struggle to stay in the match and she began trapping me at will. I was not giving up and that was perhaps irritating her.

She decided to go for the final kill and despite me trying to move away she suddenly had my neck wrapped me in hey thighs and began rolling around the bed and then with a sudden scissor hold began squeezing me. I was struggling for breath and she was pressing me to unconsciousness. I had to surrender, she kept me trapped in her thighs whole night and released me the very next day only. I must admit she was a better opponent and I never felt ashamed or humiliated in loosing to her. I had named her thunder thighs.

Sep 16, 2015
My husband and I wrestling
by: Clwtmw

My husband and I use to wrestle when we were dating & at first when we got married. Now we don't do it too much. I kind of want to start wrestling with him again cause its great exercise and foreplay too. I don't mind if he wins. I always seem to think I can win, but most of the time he puns me down. It's still fun. Wrestling makes marriages interesting.

Mar 06, 2016
Strong wife.
by: JeffeAnonymous

My wife started working out a couple times a week. She is about an inch taller and weighs about 25 more lbs. than me. I have an office job and don't do much as far as exercise. It didn't take very long to see she had gotten stronger than me. It was great, she lifted me and wrestled me. I was no match for her. She loved carrying me over her shoulders and dominating in the bedroom.

Mar 10, 2016
I lose my breath
by: Anonymous

My wife once wrestled with me although she is stronger than me. One day she squeezed me in her legs. I submit but she keeps on laughing and keeps on tightening her legs. After 2 seconds I was out and my breath was stopped. When I was 5 years old I had breathing problem.

Lol when I open my eye I found myself in a hospital. After 2 minutes my wife and my parents came in and my wife keeps on crying and asked from me to forgive her. I told her that it's my mistake I had to tell her that I had a breathing problem. Now she never wrestles with me.

Mar 13, 2016
love to challange
by: Anonymous

Never could get my wife to wrestle with me. Says she's too week. Just does not have the strength. I have to respect that. But would love to challenge a female friend who is quite younger. I am sure I would beat her. The situation is, I'm married and she has a boyfriend.

Oct 10, 2016
wife fights wife
by: JUDY

Husbands who take pride in wrestling and beating their wives ,shoul get lost.divorced. Why not DARE your wives to wrestle eachother? or Me?

Nov 04, 2016
wrestle my wife?
by: Anonymous

Hi Judy....would you like to wrestle my wife???
Let me know.

Feb 21, 2018
Interesting Topic
by: newly married wife

First, I realize this is kind of an old thread, but after something that happened with my new husband and myself, I have become interested in this, alot.

We married about 6 months ago, at 5'6 I am just slightly taller than my husband putting him around 5'5.5 or so. He is definately heavier than me with a rather stocky build and nicely toned arms though he does not work out. he is 52 and I am 46.

I have always told him that I have very strong legs, though not as shapely or toned as they use to be the muscle seems to still be around from many years of playing soccer. I also run, Jazercise, and when I can go to the gym.

Not long ago, he was feeling frisky and fooling around and I told him to stop. he wouldn't, so I found an opportunity to just wrap my thighs around his neck and gave him a little squeeze. I heard him grunt and it surely stopped his fooling around. It would be a lie to say this didn't put a grin on my face and I asked him, "are you going to behave now?" He then started struggling to free himself, but a little squeeze and a jerk to one side with my legs were enough to stop his struggles immediately, forcing yet another little grin on my face.

This time I said with a little giggle, "I told you my legs are strong and I could snap your neck like a twig with them, are you going to behave?" Here is the thing though, I started getting a tingling between my legs, having his head trapped between my legs, he looked so cute with his face turning red and my thighs in complete control of him it turned me on.

Anyway, he grunted an answer to my question "NO" and the stubborn male ego caused him to start his struggles to get free again. Once again, I gave him a little squeeze and jerked my legs back and forth, i heard a much loader groan and his struggles once again stopped immediately. Smiling at him and holding him there for a bit admiring my cute husbands face between my thighs, and finally said, "I told you I could snap your neck like a twig my dear". He finally seemed subdued and agreed that my legs were indeed strong enough to do so. So I asked again, " now are you going to behave?" just to convince him i gave another squeeze without the jerking motions and he grunted "yes". I reluctantly released him because again, I was turned on. I have done some reading and learned that some women do have orgasms from squeezing their legs together and certain exercises at the gym can cause them to. I think that I am one of those women although I did not have an orgasm that night from squeezing him, I think if we had continued I may have.

Later that evening in bed, curled up together, he said "your right, you have really really strong legs". My back was to him and I was smiling and said "I told you, I played soccer for 13 years, and i told you I could snap your neck and squeeze your head like a pimple" . He was feeling my thigh with his hand so when I said this I flexed my thigh so he could feel it and he simply said "yes i know that now". The best part of this, as much as I was aroused, so was he.

For the next couple of weeks he walked around moving his body instead of his neck when he looked to the left and rubbing his neck a lot, i just smiled and never said a word about that. Since that night though, if he gets cocky or says something, I just simply remind him what I can do with my thighs and flex, he then backs off. I love it. I don't know if I could defeat him in a wrestling match but I am confident if I could get legs around him I would win, but how easy is that to do?

Sep 19, 2018
Women who use their legs are terrible wrestlers
by: Anonymous

I am tired of women that use their legs to win wrestling matches I have no doubt that they are stronger than mine and I could beat them senseless until they get lucky and wrap me with muscular legs and skinny arms around me.

It's disgusting to lose to some bitch that has disgusting skinny arms and muscular legs. If we were going to fight I would punch her in the face and then put her in a choke hold and squeeze the bitch until she passed out. Then mount her face grinding my pelvis into her face with my zipper down to leave her face marked as a reminder that she lost the fight and I'm sure she will never challenge me again and I learned that from a woman that did this to me years ago when I didn't work out.

Now that I do work out I bench press 85 lbs and leg pressed 110 lbs and I feel superior to the average dumb bitch accept the fact that her legs can make me lose the only way they can win. I am 5 6 128 lbs and I will use my fist to make a woman begging for mercy

Feb 10, 2019
I love wrestling my wife NEW
by: Anonymous in Germany

All of the following is true:

I have been turned on by women wrestling and fighting my whole life. My wife discovered this soon after we were married and a few years ago. She hates it because she wants to be the sole source of my sexual pleasure, which I fully understand, but still - I've been turned on by women wrestling, or by fantasizing about wrestling myself with women since I was 7 years old. And this emotional intimacy, being able to really open up to her about my feelings was very helpful for our sex life.

So she finally agreed to play along with my fantasies - listening to me tell her my fantasies and also wrestling and play-fighting with me. We have wrestled many times, though since I am bigger and stronger it is more playful than competitive. And it is definitely erotic, especially if we are in underwear or naked. My wife has a very athletic build, has large breasts and is strong for a woman. We also sometimes allow catfight techniques such as slapping, hair-pulling and breast-attacks (for me). Once we even fought in business outfits, where I got to rip her cleavage-revealing blouse and lingerie off. This was the first time I ever got to slap my wife. Not too hard of course, but enough to elicit a surprised squeal. She really gets into it and fights back. Our sex afterward is incredibly passionate. We generally wrestle and fight in our bedroom, but have done it a couple times in a hotel room too. She has even played along in a verbal fantasy of fighting or wrestling with another woman for me, and has admitted she would enjoy it.

I have dared her to do it on a couple of occasions, such as a hotel room lingerie wrestling match with my former secretary, having a party where she and other women draw straws to wrestle/catfight, or to invite a couple over and have her wrestle the other wife in bikinis on mattresses or blankets in the living room, but she absolutely refuses to do it for real.

The main reason is that she does't want me to get turned on by another woman. Even me fantasizing about it makes her jealous. She has no idea how much I fantasize about her fighting with other women - her friends, some neighbors, my work colleagues, other women at our church, famous actresses etc.

So I have to walk a fine line - opening up to her a little to be emotionally intimate as well, but no too much (and not fantasizing too much) so as not to make her feel uncomfortable.

Interestingly though, she has fantasized about a threesome and even revealed to me once that, as a teenager, she twice had sex with other girls, once alone and once in a group (at least three, I don't remember exactly). This revelation of course blew my mind.

My wife is a practicing Christian and believes certain thing are not right (like my wrestling and fighting fantasies, or doing a threesome) but she admits she is sometimes sexually attracted to other women. Of course I would be more than happy to let her again pursue such encounters, especially if I could be involved, but she again refuses. Alas.

Aug 19, 2019
Girlfriends that don’t wrestle NEW
by: Jon

These are fun crazy stories. The past girlfriends I’ve playfully wrestled had no idea what to do and so it was always less exciting than I thought it’d be and it’d die out quickly. Idk where people find girlfriends who are competitive wrestlers but I would love to try wrestling someone in San Diego.

Nov 01, 2019
girls are strong NEW
by: Jeff

Don't ever underestimate a woman...especially when it comes to wrestling. I am 3 years older than my wife and bigger and I thought stronger. We have wrestled hundreds of times...and she has beat me every single time!! Carol is competitive and her legs and hips are very strong from her cheerleading days. I cannot compete against her because she is flexible and uses her legs to control me. I have tried every move I know but she always uses her superior hip and leg strength to toss me around and pin me, usually by sitting on me and pinning my arms with her legs. She has even let me pin her down by sitting on her and in no time has tossed me off of her and is sitting on me with my head trapped between her thighs. It is embarrassing because she will tease and taunt me when she has pinned me and I cant do anything about it! She has big breasts and she uses them to smother me while grapevining me...a sexy but painful experience. When she has finished "whipping" me in wrestling (her words) she always makes me pleasure her by sitting on me and eating her out. We both know that Carol is stronger and much better at wrestling but it hasn't hurt our relationship.

May 11, 2021
Wrestling Experience w/Wife NEW
by: LegManToo

It is kinda fun reading these stories about guys underestimating the strength of their wives that are smaller than the man. It’s an experience in must say I have yet to experience.
My wife on other hand is a different situation. My wife (ex-wife now) was 5’11" to my 5’10". She was 165# to my 145#. My thoughts, (hope maybe) was that she was stronger than I was and would be fun to wrestle! She had no problem displaying her strength to me in various ways. Lifting things, sometimes heavier than I could lift, but that was it. She didn’t flaunt it to me, she didn’t appear to be competitive with me in the physical sense. In fact, she really didn’t want to be stronger than me, even though I told her it wouldn’t bother me.
We were married four years at the time. She just had our first child and joined a gym/exercise class to loose some weight and tone up. I was a carpenter so got my exercise at work and I was no weakling. In fact, before she started working out, I was for sure stronger than her, but she did out weigh me by more than ever! (200# to my 165#, at the time)
After exercising for six months, she had really toned up, lost inches for sure, but I’m not sure about the weight. Anyway, she came home one evening after exercise class and going for drinks with a few friends. (She didn’t tell me she was going for drinks, and that ticked me off a little.)
Long story short, we wonder up on the floor, wrestling around. She eventually wound up on top with me looking up at her, helplessly, between her legs and holding my shoulders to floor. I have to admit, it wasn’t comfortable. I wasn’t enjoying it at the moment, but she clearly was. I gave up, and we got up and continued on with our evening, no more mention about the "wrestling."
I went to bed with this on my mind. I dreamt about that evening’s event, and got so excited in my dream, I woke up in pain because I was SO turned on by it. I woke my wife up, and she said, "What’s wrong?" And then she noticed my erection, and said, "Oh, My!" We discussed what my dream was about, and she attacked me! The whole evenings experience was incredible!!

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My Wife's Wrestling Career

by Jim

My wife can beat me in a pins/ submission wrestling match most of the time. Kiki is 5'8'' tall and weighs 138 lbs., is very strong. She has wrestled other women, mostly her size and won about half the time.

She knows I enjoy her matches, win or lose. She recently was challenged by Tina, a smaller woman, 5'3" and 115 lbs. which she gladly accepted. I, of course, was there filming and acting as the ref. as they agreed that to win a fall by pin, you had to hold your opponent down 20 seconds. They agreed to a 20-minute time limit.

So the match began with both bikini laden women cautiously circling one another. Suddenly, Tina, my wife's opponent kicked her left leg out from under her and sent her to the mat. Her smaller opponent quickly got her down and put a figure four leg lock around her neck.

Two minutes later, my wife tapped out. Stunned, Kiki looked very wobbly as her opponent came after her for the second fall. Long story short, after two more submissions and a pin, she was behind 4-0.

Fifteen minutes into the match, her struggles continued as Tina, with a lot of confidence got her down and pinned her arms behind her head and knees on Kiki's upper arms. After I had counted to 20 seconds, I determined the match was over as Kiki was flat on her back quivering from the onslaught.

As I raised Tina's hand you could tell how elated she was in a decisive victory. Kiki, of course, was embarrassed and humiliated, especially in front of me as I had to count her out 2 times!

Tina offered her a rematch but Kiki wanted no part of it So now, I need to build up Kiki's confidence so she can compete again after being whipped by a woman 5 inches shorter and over 20 lbs. lighter.

Any suggestions out there?

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Oct 13, 2016
by: Anonymous

Wow....I feel your wife's pain. sounds like she suffered a total beat down. I mean if the match was over after 15 minutes that means she was pinned or submitted evey 3 minutes so she was down the entire match! Must have been difficult for you to watch. Was her opponent quicker or just a better wrestler or both? Did this Tina have a lot of experience? I have wrestled a few smaller girls and some were very strong in spite of their size. Maybe she underestimated Tina. Tell her to get back in there and better luck next time!

Oct 14, 2016
by: Jim

Thanks for the comment. To answer your question....I think Kiki was taken by surprise by Tina's aggressiveness and the big time fig. 4 leg lock around her neck. The second fall Tina was quickly on top of her with a headlock takedown and a body scissor which punnished Kiki's ribs big time. From there, the third fall Tina pinned Kiki and from then on Kiki was drained trying to keep Tina off her. The other thing is that Mexican girls seem to relish dominating white girls which Tina did quite well.

Nov 05, 2016
My dominant wrestling experience
by: Anonymous

Well hello Kiki...I thought I would give my account of our wrestling match here for others to enjoy. I really had a good time but it was so took me only 15 minutes to beat you even though the match was supposed to be 20 minutes so you were saved 5 minutes of me sqeezing you with my legs or maybe my headlock by your husband who rescued you from more damage! When I pinned you (twice) i could have held you down for a five hundred count and not just 20! How did you like my long, dark hair in your face as I held you down? Heh.. heh....I must say I was surprised by how easy it was for me to beat you even though I was 5 inches shorter and 20 pounds lighter! The offer of a rematch still stands...I dare you to wrestle me again...ok, blondie?...heh..heh!

Viva la luchador Mexicana...Tina

Nov 17, 2016
by: kiki

It's great that you're thinking about your wife's wrestling career, though, cause not many men would be bold enough to push them in that regard. I respect that a lot. -Kiki

Jan 03, 2017
Kiki's next match with me
by: Tina

After taking a beating from me in our first match, Kiki finally agreed to a rematch with me...she couldn't take the talk at the fitness center about losing to a girl smaller than she was! So we agreed to wrestle with the same rules in a ring this time. Kiki came out strong and pinned me after both of us went down to the mat. It took her awhile to hold me down for 20 seconds as I kept struggling to get free but she finally prevailed.

The next fall would take a full 10 minutes as we exchanged headlocks and body scissors but Kiki finally prevailed again as she pinned me again with and added (and painful) grapevine.

So now I am behind 2-0 with Kiki looking like she was sure she was going to win. But the next two falls I won by getting her in a naked chokehold and squeezing her with my legs. So we were just about at the time limit of 20 minutes but agreed to one fall for the win. My last two submissions took their toll on Kiki as I won the match by pinning her after 5 more minutes of wrestling with me on top the whole time.

Kiki rolled over on her stomach after I got off her again very disappointed that she lost to me again but I was happy to have my hand raised.... again! But Kiki at least made it a battle but at the same time I have whipped her twice now...I love beating blondes more than anything.

La luchadora mexicana mas fina...Tina

Jan 27, 2017
Dare Mexican woman to wrestle my wife
by: Jim

I am looking for a mexican woman to wrestle my wife who is blonde. Reply her if interested...I dare all you Luchadoras Mexicanas!

Mar 23, 2017
rubber match with Jasmine
by: Jaime

My girlfriend, Jasmine, has wrestled off and on for the last eight years. Seven years ago she wrestled a blond girl two different times,with each one winning a match. Jasmine won the first in a pins match, 6-2 while blondie won the second 4-1 also in a pins match in just her second match ever. Jasmine never got over being humiliated by blondie who pinned her face down for several minutes and had grapevined her the other three times while pinning her. So when K, the blonde, got in touch with her to have a rubber match, Jasmine gladly accepted. The two ladies are very distinct from one another; Jasmine being Mexican with thick dark hair while K is white, taller and has long, blond hair.

So they agreed to a pins match for 45 minutes with the stipulation that they had to have their opponent's shoulders down for 20 seconds to win. Both were dressed in bikini swimsuits with K seeming to have height and strength advantages. So the match began from standing positions and after about 2 minutes, my Jasmine had K down on her back and pinned her with a cross body pin. After 20 seconds of K struggling K was unable to lift her shoulders and Jasmine had won the first fall. Now empowered, Jasmine wrestled K down again and pinned her with a school girl pin, adding butt thumps to K's stomach as she did. The match continued and Jasmine pinned Kim 3 more times, each time pounding K's stomach with butt thumps
and causing her immense pain. So know with K weakening, Jasmine carried the fight to K, pinning her 3 more times and grapevining her each time as well. There was five minutes left in the match but K gave up as she was behind 8-0 and had no chance.

I was very proud of my Mexican chica Jasmine for absolutely humiliating her taller white opponent....bye, bye bondie!

Apr 03, 2017
Judo black belt
by: Anonymous

Ex spice girl Mel c a judo expert

May 21, 2017
Another match...blonde vs. Latina
by: Jim

Hi wrestling fans...found another match for Kiki vs. a Mexican body builder (5'2, 135). After Kiki's two defeats to Tina she had won a match against a tall white 5'10 girl...5 pins to 0. So after 4 min. of wrestling, Olivia has Kiki down and pins her for 20 seconds; same thing happens at 9 min. mark and at 12 min After a 5 min. break, the match continues with Kiki scoring a submission with her powerful long legs.

So...about 15 min. to go and Olivia goes to town on Kiki pinning her 4 more times by easily holding her down for 20 seconds each time. Kiki was one beaten up blonde at the end flat on her back for a good 5 min. Now, Kiki's record against Mexicans is one win and four defeats. I think she needs to avoid Mexicans...even though it was a turn on watching Olivia dominate her!

Nov 02, 2017
Reflections of Kiki vs. Olivia
by: Anonymous

I have watched this match several times and still am amazed how dominating the 5'2 Olivia was against my 5'8 Kiki. The scene of a dark skinned and dark haired gal pinning a fair skinned blonde gal was a turn times no less! Poor Kiki took a royal beating from the Latina as Olivia had her down the whole match.... the one time Kiki won with a body scissor she was on her back. Hopefully, Kiki and Olivia will wrestle in a rematch soon.

Nov 22, 2017
Any woman any time any where
by: Anonymous

I just wanted you to know that I can beat any woman in wrestling with in 40 lbs of my weight 138 lbs any time any where

Feb 18, 2018
how i got my life back together
by: Anonymous

I want to say a big thank you to the great prophet Ogidiga for helping me get the girl of my dream who I was scared of even looking at cause she was richer than me both socially and financially.

Until I met this great man, it was impossible for me to go even talk to her but 48hrs after telling this great man of my problem she came to me and asked us to be friends to also get help from his email.

Mar 03, 2018
Wife wrestling match
by: Anonymous

My wife and I always loved wrestling. She always told me to find a woman who likes wrestling. I never did... however she found one in her nursing job... I didn't know she set up a match! Later that day she told me I needed to be home to ref a match. I thought she was kidding. When I got home she was stretching out and said: "about time"!!

To my surprise, I saw a woman in the other corner stretching out in a robe... She told me three out of five pin/submissions was the rules and they agreed I would ref... I quickly entered the mat and announced the women wrestlers.

Juanita came forward and took off her robe revealing a one-piece white thong with enormous cleavage. My wife came forward with a one-piece red thong and had a nice chest but not as large.

As they locked up, my wife was able to secure a full Nelson hold. As they struggled she locked up a leg in a figure 4 hold and rolled her back and began to say " TAP OUT"!!!

Juanita tapped out!!

These 40-year-old women were rocking hard with there outfits. Outfits too tight......and lots of jiggling to get out!!!!

I almost past out!!!!!!

Mar 03, 2018
Wife wrestling match part two
by: Anonymous

Juanita with her loss didn't care that her left breast was hanging out from that full Nelson hold submission and slapped the mat.

As they locked up again, Juanita secured a tight headlock trying to smother my wife. She rolled her hips on her side and started to grind arching her back.

My wife started to try and kick out while grabbing her inner thigh 12345.. PIN! My wife could not get out and was breast smothered out!

Round 3-

Mar 04, 2018
Wife wrestling match part 3
by: Anonymous

My wife was mad she could not get a head scissor to counter the humiliation of breast smother submission.
As the women locked up again they when for inter thigh positions. Jostling around and grabbing plump hips, my wife was able to grab opposite shoulder and roll for cross body pin while grabbing her inner thigh. I must say while my wife's check was pushed against Janitas chest with hips pressed firmly against her arm, Juanita arched her back and tried to kick out multiple times. I counted 12345!
2-1 Wife winning.......
Match 4-

Mar 15, 2018
Wife wrestling part 4
by: Anonymous

Juanita was furious with her loss! She slapped the mat multiple times! As they locked up Juanita locked up hard on upper shoulders. She locked up with a headlock and started grinding a headlock, my wife was trying to bridge out of move...Juanita rolled over and went for a full reverse body pin.

My wife tried to bridge out, however, Juanita kept her chest in my wife's face...all my wife could do was push her hips back... I started counting 123.. my wife arched her back trying to rotate around... but Juanita kept her hold firm. My wife could not get out and ended getting counted out 12345 with a grinding pin. All my wife could do is tap Juanita's hips.
Match 5 - final match...

Mar 15, 2018
Wife wrestling final match
by: Anonymous

With the momentum of Juanita, she realized that she was using her chest to gain an advantage.... my wife had to use her hips for victory....

My wife went for head scissor by pushing her down at engagement. As my wife rolled her over, she got a good grab of Juanita's chest and arched her back yelling TAP OUT!!

Juanita started to kick out but my wife had a good scissor lock. My wife rolled over and secured a figure four head scissor. As she arched her back she used her ankle for pressure.

Juanita was kicking out and trying to bridge but my wife had her locked up!!! TAP OUT, TAP OUT!! Juanita started to grab my wife's chest, however, it did not work.

Wife won 3 out of 5 matches!!


Apr 17, 2018
Your wife vs. Juanita
by: Jim

Thanks for the account of the match...sounds like they were evenly matched. I noticed your wife beat a Latina...good for her! My wife not only lost to a Latina last time...she was humiliated by her (seven pins for 20 seconds each) even though the Latina was 6 inches shorter and 15 pounds lighter...still a turn on watching a bronzed, dark haired gal dominate a leggy, buxom, blonde gal. Love watching females wrestle.

Aug 16, 2018
Malorie vs wife
by: Anonymous

Trust me her next match didn’t fair as well as Juanita...

Jul 03, 2019
My ex-wife tricked me until I am begging for mercy NEW
by: Anonymous

I was married to a woman becauseI liked her mus ular legs I didn't really know when we got married that I had a fetish for a more muscular women than Dana the cunt I married,I had an 8 1/2 inch cockand I can fuck for hours Dana bragged to her girlfriends about my abilities and my big cock what made my cock was the thicknessof it measuring around it waz 7 1/2 inches I used to get embarassed because I was so big making mos3 look like under development and I immediately apologized because twice I was beat up for having a big cock I am 5 6" & 124 lbs but I work out bench press75lbs and legs press 90lbs if you think you can be competitive with me please let me know. That what I told em men got me beaten severely and hospitlized over 12 times mostly by high school girls that lifted weights they are not sacred to fight a man and if they know yout girlfriend watching a little bitch pounding my face with her pelvis actually loosened my 2 upper front teeth they fell out about 1 week after plus she had her zipper half way down and was grinding my face for over 20 min I was bleeding everywhere and on her tight ass sexy shorts she sees blood on her shorts and tells me You Pussy lick it off I refused the bitch grapevined me for an hour hed legs kept spreading me until I am begging for mercy and my girlfriend just seen her legs and she begging Dana not to rip my crotch into a torn muscle mess that feels like I am on fire because she tore everything Dana started working out about 6 years ago and I bo dy slammed her ass scissored her told her suck my cock or I will ssqueezed you until you pass OUT and there's no question about whether I could do that because I'd probably done it 50 times

Aug 19, 2019
Girlfriends who don’t wrestle NEW
by: Jon

These are fun crazy stories. The past girlfriends I’ve playfully wrestled had no idea what to do and so it was always less exciting than I thought it’d be and it’d die out quickly. Idk where people find girlfriends who are competitive wrestlers but I would love to try wrestling someone in San Diego.

Aug 19, 2019
Girlfriends who don’t wrestle NEW
by: Jon

These are fun crazy stories. The past girlfriends I’ve playfully wrestled had no idea what to do and so it was always less exciting than I thought it’d be and it’d die out quickly. Idk where people find girlfriends who are competitive wrestlers but I would love to try wrestling someone in San Diego.

Nov 12, 2019
Judo expert NEW
by: SteveAnonymous

Ex spice girl melanie chisholm a judo expert black belt 3 dan

Nov 23, 2019
Judo expert NEW
by: Anonymous

Mel is a judo expert beat a 6 feet policewoman at judo choke out the policewoman

Nov 23, 2019
Policewoman NEW
by: Anonymous

Mel beats 6 feet policewoman at judo

Jun 19, 2020
My Wrestling NEW
by: Jen

I've wrestled my husband several times, and he always quits as soon as I grab his balls. I'm not fast. he is definitely quicker, but whenever we start to tussle, which we do once in awhile, I just keep grabbing for his nuts. this keeps him on the defensive the whole time, and we'll either quit, or I'll grab them. I always find a way. He takes it really well. I'm not sure though he realizes how quickly I could pinch them off if I really wanted to. I'm slow but very strong for a woman. I'm only 5' but can deadlift 245 pds. His little balls would pop like grapes in my fist if I wanted too. I know because I had to rupture a man once when I was younger.

Jul 12, 2020
wow Jen NEW
by: dave

damn Jen, yes that is a definite advantage that women hold over us males, going after the balls and you sure seem to be a pro at it!!

Apr 20, 2021
How my gf beat me NEW
by: Anonymous

I know I'm pretty late with this story but here it goes. Me and my girlfriend, Natalie, were lying in bed in the morning. I was supposed to go out to meet my friend, Matt, in half an hour. As I got up to leave, she jokingly pulled me back and told me that she wanted me to stay here for the rest of the day, with her. We both had been busy with work lately and I didn't see her that much but I didn't see Matt for even longer, so I told her I would be back afterwards and got up to leave. As I did, I felt her legs around my waist and her arms around my chest, pulling me back rather hard. We laughed for a bit, as I thought she was just being playful, but she continued to hold on to me rather tightly. I started panicking and tried to get her to loosen her grip on me but I couldn't. It didn't take me long to realize she had me completely trapped in her bodyscissors. I begged her to let go but she just giggled and said only if I agreed to stay in with her for the rest of the day. After struggling some more and still not being able to escape, I gave up and agreed. At that point, I knew never to underestimate my girlfriend.

Aug 23, 2021
Hot that your GF controlled you NEW
by: dave

do you think Natalie knew she could control you and take you down in a match?

Sep 14, 2022
Beware NEW
by: Bilby

Women are stronger than men think. Sherri proved that to me one night. Surprised me and embarrassing. She was so excited and proud of herself. Made me "give up" and did a double bicep pose while sitting up on my chest.

Dec 26, 2023
Shocked NEW
by: Bill in mo.

Found myself flat on my back with miss Fry on top of me. She had already made me submit to her strength with a full Nelson scissors combination. Stretching my stomach and shoulders until I had to give up. Now sitting on my stomach she had my wrists pinned next to my head. I struggled to free my arms but my shoulders were too sore and weak after the working over she had given them. I tried to plant my feet to throw her off but she hooked her ankles around my calves and straightened her legs pulling my thighs wide apart causing very much pain. She looked down at me smiling with excitement in her eyes like I had never seen before. My strength was no match for her now as her excitement had her adrenaline was pumped up. She hovered over me smiling with her 42 dd’s hanging above me she spread my burning thighs further I had to submit to her power. Humiliated.

May 19, 2024
Humbled by a woman. NEW
by: Bill in mo.Anonymous

Had no idea women were that strong until Sherri proved it to me. I think it turned her on to defeat me wrestling. She was like a wild woman. With muscles!

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