Perfect Questions for Truth or Dare

Found this great video for those finding it hard to come up with perfect questions for Truth or Dare! The questions here will definitely add another of dose of excitement to any game!

Unfortunately, the authors of the video asked me to take it down from here.

That's OK, of course!

To the girls - please continue to have fun with Truth or Dare! Feel free to look around on this website for inspiration for more dares. :)

If you want to watch the video, you should head over to YouTube (link opens in a new window) as long as it is still online.

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Featured Truths

  • What is your worst Fear?
  • When was the las time you spent a whole day without underwear?
  • What gets you first attracted to a guy?
  • What did you look like in fifth grade ?

In this video, I really liked how these two girls made the questions to excite the curiosity of those playing a game of Truth or Dare. I find it fascinating that the questions were not offending even when they're a bit personal. Here are some of their questions that got my attention:

  • Who's your first crush? - While a common question, the uncertainty brought by this question is sure to get everyone's curiosity!
  • Have you gone through a day without underwear? - A little more personal one, but then again it's a game right? I'm sure it's a question that would make everyone hanging for an answer!

What are the perfection questions you have in mind?

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by: Tina

I remember a guy asked me a truth question about not wearing underwear and I jokingly responded that I don’t wearing one at the moment. It was funny and the atmosphere was kinda sexy too.

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Dare: Girl Chewing on a Cotton Ball

Yes, the ladies of Truth or Dare are back! They got more doze of the strangest Truths and Dares this time that anyone can adopt in their own game!

We removed the embedded video on request.

On YouTube, you can find it here (link opens in a new window).

Be sure to leave a nice feedback to the ladies :)

In this particular video, the thing I liked the most is when one was dared to chew a cotton ball. Yeah, the truth question was pretty good starter to the game, but let's all admit that the chewing the cotton ball thing is really what got us hooked.

Other strange dares that I could think of include licking any liquid soap, wearing diapers or crossdressing as the other sex and then going outside!

After this video, I really can't wait what these girls will do in their next truth or dare!

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