Comments for Pierced Girls Doing the Belly Button Challenge

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I'm not Impressed
by: DareDevil

Well, You girls did a good job. In fact the idea of the belly button challenge is great but still I am not really impressed.

Belly button is supposed to be the "dirtiest" part of your body but still just sniffing your own belly's lid is certainly not a dare I am looking for. Its very simple and easy for me and I think anybody can do it and it's not challenging enough.

Here are my suggestion to make this dare More Challenging.
  • Clean the belly button of some other player with a Q-tip, smell it and then tell others how it smells like.
  • [Harder Dare:]Clean your belly with a Q-tip, eat it in front of group and tell others how it tastes like.
  • [Even more Harder Dare:]Clean someone else's belly with a Q-tip and eat it in front of the whole group
So Guys what do you say about my ideas?

Is someone ready to take my challenges or have already experienced it? Please share your experiences, I would love to hear your comments.

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