Just 2 Girls

by Alicia
(New York )

Me and this girl Annalise, are best friends. Once we had to take a shower together (and she took my towel so I had to run downstairs to her room) but one day we were bored so we played truth or dare.

I LOVED being nude around her and her only and she didn't mind being nude either. It was just getting her nude that was hard cause I play it equal (shirtless and then I become shirtless ect..)

So one day we decided to play truth or dare. At first it was easy stuff then I said, just to get her in the "okay I'll get nude" mood...

I told her to flash her 4 year old brother. She did it and didn't mind.

Then I got dared to jump in the pool with all my clothes on and no bathing suit, so I did.

Then I dared her to run around the backyard nude and she did it just, like, whatever.

Then I got dared to go outside and sing "Come and get it" by Selena Gomez while doing a strip tease out front.

Afterwards I dared her to jump in the pool, too. She dared me to do the same.


Swimming felt soooo much better than having a bathing suit on.

Soon though, I had to get out but I hope one day I can do it again soon.

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Jul 12, 2013
So funny
by: Anonymous

I love it

Jun 30, 2013
You've got the hots for her ;)
by: Francis

Thanks for sending this story Alicia! Sounds like you have a major crush on your BFF. Not that I mind ;)

Have fun with your dares, and be sure to try out some other dares together from this site. This will mix things up so that the game stays interesting.

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