Dare: Take a Bubble Bath Fully Clothed

Here is yet another creative and fun dare done by two lovely girls. The dare was to bath while fully clothed and I wanted to peek on girls’ bathing. Well now you have the chance, watch the video.

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Now that was a fun bathroom dare to do and it really made me consider bathing in full clothing from now On. It seems to save the time of taking off the clothes and on again.

But in all seriousness, Girls!

Do you really sing like that while in the bathroom?

That’s pretty crazy.

Anyways nice going with the videos girls! It is clear that how much time you put into the dare video. I am sure my visitors will love it.

So everyone! What you want to say to the girls who made a fool out of themselves by bathing fully clothed. They deserve a thumbs up. Right?

Jump in the comments to let us and the girls know.

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Truth or Dare in the Strangest Places

Have you ever tried doing a game of Truth or Dare in the strangest places? No? Why you are missing half of your life then. My friends and I have gone tried of doing it in the middle of a bonfire or at the backyard, so we thought of places where to do it.

Unfortunately, this video is no more available on YouTube. Either the owner of the video has removed it from YouTube or changed it's permissions.

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This video right here is one great example of an unconventional place to play Truth or Dare. Just imagine the possibilities of new dares you can make while doing it in a bathtub! One dare that stood out for me is when one girl was dared to eat the soap and how grossed she was after doing it that she even drank from the OJ bottle!

Since these girls had already done it in the bathtub, we are planning to do it in the graveyard, a deserted factory and maybe inside the library. So where will you be playing yours?

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by: Olivia

Well graveyard sounds cool to me and it’ll give chilly experience as well. That sounds fun!

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