Friendly pool throwing dare video ends in wet T-shirt contest

Girls: Don't forget to wear dark clothes before you agree to a friendly pool throwing dare. Just like this teenage girl who only had a white tank top on. It's likely to end in a see through wet T-shirt contest.

Did you enjoy the video? I mean it's clear as hell, as you can see in 0:39 that this teen is a pretty naughty girl and up for anything... But the best way to survive a pool dare where you get thrown into a cold pool is just do it, get it over with it as fast as possible.

The more you struggle, the harder it is and the more fun your friends have. Honestly if you get thrown into a pool once or twice against your will and then try jumping in on your own, then you will see it's really not that bad.

Unless there are ice cubes swimming in the swimming pool, the water would not be too cold in anyways. Take to heart the tips from the video itself: "if you feel the water, you won't get in". So don't give people a chance by splashing and sprinkling with water.

Take your time, splashing them back after you are wet already. Oh and one thing, it looks really close at one moment that some of the guys would have been draggged into the pool by the girl they try to throw in. So if she knew a little bit of Judo or had any arm strength then she could have taken one or two of her friends along with her.

They are lucky that she was nice!

How do you prevent by getting thrown into the swimming pool by your stronger friends anyways??

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cold shower
by: Francis

Taking a really cold shower beforehand helps a lot. When I do this, I don't feel the cold water (or anything else for that matter) any more.

Plus it's fun to touch and hug your friends when you have turned into iceman :P

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