Little Kid Got Dared to Eat Food without Hands

Here is a cute little video featuring a dad playing Truth or Dare with his son and recording the dare on video. The kid was dared to eat his dinner without hands, knife or fork

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The solution was simple and the boy did not chicken out. Another animal came to mind though. It really looked like a little puppy dog eating :D

Since his sister was not really worried or surprised, I guess they might play Truth or Dare often during dinner. And that's one family tradition I would like more families to adapt!

Comment if you would play this game with your (smart and cunning) kids?

Some food I would not have done this dare with:

  • Pudding - it would really have gotten very very messy

  • A really hot curry - wouldn't want to put my face in something so spicy

  • Spagetti - now that is just wrong: the mess this would do to my co-eaters around me will barely be legal...

  • Everything else: I would be game. I sure hope I did not forget some really messy food if I were to eat it hand-free

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Girls doing a dare of Drinking without Using their hands

You probably take your hands for granted when eating and drinking. Not those lively girls! They dared each other to drink one glass without using their hands! And they obviously are having a lot of fun with this dare...

What should you bring before doing this dare: one or several towels to soak up the mess!

About the video, here are two fun things I liked about it:

  1. The way the girl who did the video encourages Molly: Come on Molly, come on, come on. Made me think of "Penny? Penny? Penny?" on the Big Bang Theory show!

  2. Check it out at 23s: as Molly lifts up the glass her teeth look like a huge bit, like a horse or something, because the glass magnified everything

Simple game, almost no preparation, costs= zero dollars, but still funny to do!

This goes onto my list of fun games for no money!

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chance to see cleavage
by: derrick

when the girls bow over you can see their cleavages if you're lucky ;)

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