Dirty Truth or Dare with Whipped Cream

If you need one dirty Truth or Dare party supply - it is whipped cream! This messy stuff - or just shaving cream if you have no alternative, is great for some messy truth or dare ideas!

  • For Girls: Have a group shaving cream bath!

You can go crazy with it. No dirt everywhere, since you can take a bath together afterwards. Mix up the group to make it hot and wear as little clothes as you want!

  • Wear a whipped cream bikini!

I leave it up to you if you have this bikini dare licked off in the next round. Never has holding a water gun meant so much power!

  • Drinking a shaving cream Pina Colada!

You could of course "spice" every thinkable drink with whipped cream. But if you want a hardcore dare, switch to shaving cream.

Eat a huge whipped cream puff!

If you want it more tame. For a real session of dirty Truth or Dare however, you should eat stuff from another player's body as often as you can!

  • Draw a picture on your body with shaving cream!
  • Rub whipped cream into your hair!
  • Put shaving cream on your eyebrows (Do not shave). Wiggle your eyebrows!
  • Have a shaving cream fight!

I highly recommend doing those dares in the bathroom. Or at least not at your own home (and you should be able to escape fast, too!)

  • Brush your teeth with shaving cream instead of toothpaste!

That is about the same level as brushing your teeth with soap - which is always a classic dare.

  • Draw a picture of yourself with shaving cream!
  • Put shaving cream all over your face. Then scare someone in the dark!

It would be majorly mean to blinfold one player, send them into a closed for a round of seven minutes in heaven, and then send another pre-covered with cream into the dark room. Screaming will be guaranteed!

  • For Girs: make a beard using shaving cream!
  • Put shaving cream all over your body!
  • Lick shaving cream from someone's face!

Whipped cream all-you-can-eat!

Sounds tasty? Depending on how heartless you are, you can make it a sweet and calory-richt torture dare!

a man snorting cream(Photo from nigeljohnwade)
  • Snort some shaving cream!

  • Lick whipped cream from someone's neck!

    Cream can also allow for some sexy dares. Use your imagination about where else you could lick of that sweet stuff!
  • Go crazy on your hair with shaving cream!!
  • Put shaving cream in someone's armpit. Rub your face in it!

Think hard about whose armpits you are going to use. Hairy Bob's or sweet Angeline's...?

  • Put shaving cream all over your face!
  • Eat a whole spoon of shaving cream!
  • Wear a shaving cream moustache in public!

You will need several cans. But your neighbour will be surprised. And pissed, that's for sure! Run for it...!

  • Suprise someone by spreading shaving cream over them!

Get your evening session of dirty truth or dare to be sexy or mean. Play fair and don't share.

And most importantly of all - clean up the mess afterwards!

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