Clothing swap with Cindy

For most of my time in college, I lived in a frat house. All the guys in my fraternity were friends with all the girls in the sorority next door. Sororities were not allowed to have alcohol in their houses, but fraternities were and my house always had a keg.

The girls from next door, and sometimes girls from other sororities, spent a lot of time at our house and we were always happy to supply the beer to keep them coming over. We often played various games, including a variation of T-or-D.

We wrote dares and truth questions on index cards and put them in a bucket. Each player, on his turn, had to pull out a card without looking and tell the truth or complete the dare shown on the card. We liked getting our friends naked, and most of the dares involved at least some nudity.

One night about ten of us were playing and I sat to the right of Cindy (not her real name) because I simply liked to be near her. On my turn, I pulled a card that dared me to exchange all clothing (including socks and underwear) with the person on my left for half an hour.

We both had to stand in the middle of the room, in full view of the whole group, while exchanging clothing, at the beginning and end of the half hour. Well, since I had sat on Cindy's right, she was on my left. We were both mortified, but got into the center of the room and started to strip.

Fortunately, we were about the same size, but boys and girls are not proportioned the same. I had on a tee shirt, blue mini-briefs, blue jeans, athletic socks, and black sneakers. Cindy had on a frilly girly pink pullover shirt, a pink cotton bra, frilly pink panties, blue jeans, frilly pink socks, and pink sneakers.

Generally, my clothes were a little large on her and hers were a little small on me. I got a boner while exchanging clothes and her panties couldn't contain it. I couldn't quite close the fly on her jeans, so my boner and pink panties were visible for the whole half hour.

Fortunately, we had all had a few drinks and everyone in the room was really good friends. It was embarrassing as can be, but we survived. Cindy and I became extra good friends after that day.

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Oct 28, 2019
Underwear swap NEW
by: Anonymous

I could get into swapping bras and panties with a pretty girl as long as her panties didn't have shit in them.

Mar 25, 2012
too big for girl's undies
by: Anonymous

Once I had to do a clothe swap with a girl (and yeah she was hot!!)

I didn't "fit" into her undies...

Mar 03, 2012
Cool story! But I must review your next story...
by: Francis (Webmaster)

Hi Sprinterboi

thanks for sending us this nice story!

I've also seen that you sent us another great one which is still in the pipelines.

The story is not lost, I just need some time to review it. It contains some words that are problematic to show on this site (that children are reading, too).

Please don't worry that I have forgotten you - I will review the story and see how I can publish it. You put a lot of work into it and I don't want your effort to go to waste.

I'll need some time to do it though (if by Thursday I haven't posted here again, feel free to send me a virtual whack via the contact form ;))


Anyways, I'm glad to see you have so much fun (with the girls AND guys) on your parties :D

Mar 02, 2012
Thanks, KittyKathy.
by: Sprinterboi

It was a lot of fun and, although it was harrowing and embarrassing at times, I feel that I benefited greatly from the experience. Unfortunately, I haven't had much opportunity to play such games since my college days. I will post more stories of what we did in college, though.

Mar 01, 2012
by: Kittykathy

Respect, that you didn't chicken out on this dare!
Sounds like you had a great time these days. Keep playing and having fun - we only live once! I like to say that there are so many things I want to do in my life at least one time.
Maybe changing clothes with another person is now one of them.... ;)

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