Backyard Streak

by Nick

Me, my best friend Heather, her sister Renee, my brother Mark, and his friends James and Donnie were playing truth or dare in my back yard late one night in the middle of fall.

Donnie had dared Heather to run to the other side of the backyard and back naked.

Heather having always been really daring did it.

Heather is very good looking and she looked absolutely gorgeous naked.

She ran across the yard and back but just as she got back we heard my dad pull in the drive way.

Not wanting to get caught, she grabbed her clothes and we all ran inside. Mark, James, and Donnie to Mark's room and me, Heather (still naked), and Renee to my room because they sleep on my top bunk when they spend the night.

Heather quickly got on the top bunk and and hid under the blanket before my dad came in to see what was going on.

We just told him nothing and then he left and Heather got dressed and we went to sleep.

All in all a pretty wild night.

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Feb 04, 2013
Looks like you had fun Nick!
by: Francis

I really like your story. Thanks for sharing.

I wonder how old you were.

Were you teenagers were older because you still make sleepovers with many people in one room and with a top bunk bed.

Did Heather also enjoy this night or was it too embarrassing for her.

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