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Fun Belly Button DaresHere is a belly button dare that is fun to do for all ages!
What dares with your belly button did you come up? My belly button daresBelly Licking Dare Put something to eat in your belly button. Like whipped cream or peanut butter. Choose someone to lick it out again. You can't laugh or you lose the dare. If you have no one, let your dog lick the food out of your belly button!
The Belly Slap Dare: Hit your own belly again and again with the flat of your palm. Do this until your belly turns pink!
Inny or Outy Belly Button? Compare your belly buttons with everyone! See who has an inny or an outy belly button. Take the time to inspect each other's bellies, and form teams! For the next dares, it's team inner belly button agains the outies!
Fun (?) with the belly button lint! You checked out everyone's belly buttons, right? I'm sure you will have found at least one of you that had some lint (stuff from your shirt) in it! Now it's time to have fun with it. Form bullets with it. Dare each other to smell it. Or worse, eat it! Can you do it? Do you have more ideas for dares involving the belly button? (As a thank you for sharing a dare, you get an ebook with 200 dare ideas for free!) Do you want lots of other dares for all ages instead? Then get our 7-part dare challenge by signing up here! Tell us your Truth or Dare IdeasWant to have a list of almost 200 Dares? Tell us your favorite Truth questions and Dares Now.
Share them here! Together, we can compile the web's greatest list of Truth or Dare ideas! To get our free Dares, share your ideas below! |