OMG it was the worst dare ever!

by Bailey Taylor
(Exmouth Devon UK)

I am a 12 year old boy and I was at the beach in the summer. Me and 2 other friends, 1 boy, 1 girl.

It was my turn for a dare and they came up with a really bad dare for me to do. It was about sunset time and the dare was run through the people that were still there and and go for a swim.

I asked if i can do it when everybody has gone and they said yes, but then they said I had to do it NUDE.

I said no to this dare and as per the rules if I skip 3 dares in a row i had to do one without saying no to it.

This time they dared me to run through the town in a bra and panties, go into the girliest shop in town and ask if them I can try on everything that was in my size!

The girl in the group said it was a dare and the 2 ladies in the shop said yes! And they would make me do a fashion show for them.

She only had to pay £8 and I had to try everything on in the shop. But one of the ladies said to the girl

"why don't we make him go out in a wedding dress and a tiara and have some food in a posh restaurant?"

and they made me do it. it was the worst day of my life

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Aug 01, 2018
my naked moment
by: Lily

I was at a party and everyone dared me to strip in front of boys. Later they invited their friends and I was super embarrassed 😳

I then was forced to spend the rest of the year naked so that means I'm still naked I walked around town naked and everyone was taking pics of me naked

Dec 08, 2015
Worse Dare Ever
by: Jess

Once I had to have a relationship with my friend on the roof for a whole night and we were both girls, but we only got to keep one piece of clothing and it turned out that the roof was bad and caved in on us.

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