Naked dare in front of boyfriend

by Callie

So I was at my boyfriends apartment(we were both 19 at the time), and our friends were at his house also. So there were 4 couples in the room, including us. It was getting late, so we all decided to play truth or dare. I only agreed to this because me and Justin have been going out for one year now so I thought it would be ok.

So Justin was up first and he said truth. He needed to tell us if he's ever had sex, and he said no. (btw, Justin is super HOT). Then after a couple turns, I realized that the dares weren't that bad. So I ended up saying dare. I was pretty nervous cuz I didn't want to do anything stupid in front of my boyfriend.

So the dare was: strip completely naked and play the rest of the game naked.


But I had to do it. So I took of my shirt, then shorts, then bra and then underwear. I sware Justin was looking at me the whole time. It was sooo embarrassing because me and Justin have never seen or been naked together yet. After a couple of turns I got used to being naked in front of them and they got used to seeing me naked.

Then it was my turn again and I chose dare cuz I was already naked, and I figured that is the worst that can happen. My boyfriend had to choose the dare for me and that was a little awkward.

He said " I dare you to go to my room with me and have sex with me". So me and him went to his room AND THEN WE WERE ALONE NAKED.

His body is soooo hot and I was soo happy cuz this was our first time. We slept together that night and I sware we kissed in our sleep. When we woke up we were still naked under the cover hugging eachother. It was the best night of my life, all because of truth or dare.

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Jun 11, 2014
Steamy dare
by: Daenerys

Totally mind blowing kind of dare! To think you haven’t had an intimate moment--and it’s your first. I think your boyfriend just wants some alone and steamy time with you. You know, with all you stripped down.

Sep 07, 2013
Hey Joan,
by: Francis

I'm not the author of the story (so there's no hidden female teen identity from me :P).

But the author of the story is free to answer to the comments or not. So if she (I assume she is a girl) is not answering, then either:

1) She has not set up email reminders for the comments on this story (when you submit your own story, you have the option to be notified of comments after it turns into one web page here). Then she does not see that there is a comment and it will take some time.

2) She chooses not to answer.

My guess would be 1).

But everyone is free to spin of the story in the comments, or to add their own story :)

Hope to see you around again, Joan, and thanks for reaching out in the comments!

Sep 07, 2013
The Author...
by: Joan

Francis, are you the author of this story? I know it says, "by Callie" but you thanked anonymous for his/her comment. I just ask because I'm interested in getting a reply to my previous comment.

Sep 01, 2013
You are entitled to your opinion
by: Francis

Thanks for taking the time to leave your comment. Of course I respect your opinion. But I believe that many young couples would disagree.

And if you are playing a game like truth or dare when you are alone with your girlfriend/boyfriend, you don't really increase the odds of staying a virgin until marriage. ;)

Sep 01, 2013
by: Anonymous

Sex isn't the right thing to do. That's my opinion. Not until marriage, but ok...

Nov 08, 2012
by: Joan

Aawww, that's a really cute story, Callie! You're lucky to have found such a sweet guy. Was that your first time ever having sex, too?

I like how you included so much detail in your story; for example, you gave the order in which you removed each article of clothing to build tension. If I may ask, when did you take off your shoes and/or socks? Or were you already barefoot when you started playing the game?

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