I Lost my Bikini in the Game of "Truth or Dare"

(Photo from Alaskan Dude)

Some of my most outrageous memories have happened as a result of a dare. A few years ago a couple of friends and I were hanging out at our dorms when we decided to get drunk and play some games.

Of course I was the first one to get picked, I chose dare immediately, needless to say I was way past tipsy at this point. I was dared to go outside to the beachfront and leap off the end of the dock. So I did.

Problem was it was dark. Extremely dark, so dark you couldn't really see anything; I hit the water, swam to the ladder edge, and climbed up. My friends were waiting for me and they threw a towel (the important thing is that it was REALLY dark).

We were walking back and I felt alive! I was dancing my way back (we were now near some stores and PLENTY of light) and I threw my towel off and pranced forward feeling so cool.

Suddenly everyone gasped, some guys were hollering, cars were honking and I was thoroughly confused and still very drunk. My friend snatched my hand back and threw the towel on me.

Turns out I had lost my bikini top in the water. I had just flashed everyone in the middle of a fairly busy street. If I were sober enough to feel any shame I would have been scarlet.

From what I was told I giggled loudly and yelled back at the guys trying to pick us up and I took the towel off again. I had to be carried back to my dorm room. Oh the morning after shame.

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Half naked - I lost my bikini top in a swimming pool

The guys opened the bikini knot without her knowing... Right before the jump!

The guys opened the bikini knot without her knowing... Right before the jump!

I went to the pool with my friends when I was 15 once, and the boys dared each other to tease us girls...

The outdoor pool was packed and we went up to the high diving board. Even with my girl friends standing around me, one of the boys managed to undo the knot from my bikini top a little just before it was my turn.

I jumped into the water and lost my bikini top!! Because I also bellyflopped and it was really painful...

I hurried to get out of the water and everyone saw me topless!

That was really really embarrassing...

Whatshername? and stiangd)

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Jun 04, 2014
by: Daenerys

Well, that is quite a show you had back then. Good thing, your boy friends are a bit concerned--but not really since they let you do that naughty dare.

Mar 09, 2012
belly flopping is way worse
by: Francis

Believe me, depending on how far down you jump into the water, belly flopping is A HELL lot more painful than flashing your breasts to some bystanders.

Granted, they will enjoy the free show ;) but at least it does not really cost you anything.

Except it being really, really embarrassing of course. But is that not what all dares are about...?

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